RAW Truth 3: Sleeping with the Enemy of Science

The vast majority of animals involved in biomedical research studies today are rodents, mainly mice. And the scientific information that comes from most of them is questionable because of a source of variability that is often overlooked by the research community - the bedding in their cages. Joining us today to break down the 'what', 'why' and 'what can be done' to protect rigor and reproducibility at the cage level, is Joel Shepherd, an expert in rodent bedding manufacturing who has worked closely with the biomedical research community for over thirty years.


Corncob disrupts sleep and cellulose absorbs ammonia as well or better. Why is anyone still housing research rodents on corncob bedding?!

Rats Housed on Corncob Bedding Show Less Slow-Wave Sleep

Comparison of Four Beddings for Ammonia Control in Individually Ventilated Mouse Cages


Excellence in the Cage Starts Here!


Of Mice, Pigs, Sea Lions…and Men


Dangerous Game