Our Common Vision

1.    We will be clear about when, how and why we use animals in research.

2.    We will enhance our communications with the media and the public about our research using animals.

3.    We will be proactive in providing opportunities for the public to find out about research using animals.

4.    We will report on progress annually and share our experiences.

These commitments to transparent, open communication with the public about animal research were launched in the UK by Understanding Animal Research in 2014. There are currently 127 signatories across every sector of research on this agreement. And many countries, including New Zealand, have followed their lead. But not the United States – because the leadership of extreme animal rights groups like PETA and the White Coat Waste Project won’t allow the research community here to speak freely with the public, politicians, lawmakers, or the media. They have bullied the research community into submission and deliberately manipulated and controlled the narrative with the public for decades. We are now so lost in the details of our arguments that we can’t see the truth that joins us – we all love animals and we would all rather they weren’t still necessary for biomedical progress. What do we have to do to leave this ball of confusion behind us so we can move forward, in love and compassion, for animals and people? Our guests today will show us the way.   


PETA controls the narrative with harassment and misleading information

In a recent Facebook post, PETA leader Alka Chandna and supporters trespass onto private property and spread false and misleading information about Dr. Elisabeth Murray to employees and neighbors in her new residential community - after driving her and her family out of her previous home using similar tactics. In the beginning of this video Alka is shown “speaking” to Dr. Murray on her call box. FACT CHECK: Dr. Murray was not on the receiving end of this “call”. So, who is the intended audience for this charade?

Facebook post by PETA of their continued harassment of Dr. Elisabeth Murray

At around the same time, the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation recognizes Dr. Murray for her outstanding achievements in cognitive neuroscience


RAW Truth 1: Stressed Animals - Shaky Science


Full Transparency or Bust