Beliefs, Actions, and Consequences

Most of us love animals. So, when someone tells us that animals are being tormented for pointless experiments, by monsters who view them as objects rather than the precious, living beings they are, we get angry! And we take whatever action we can to stop them. But what if none of that is really true? What if research with animals is not pointless. What if research animals are, actually, treated with compassion, respect and gratitude?

What if our love for animals has been exploited to manipulate us to carry out the agenda of a few…at the expense of ourselves and our loved ones? 

Joining us today to explore this on a very personal level is Dr. David Jentsch, a prominent brain researcher who suffered years of attacks by a movement that either doesn’t understand the dangerous consequences of its actions…or doesn’t care. 


Dr. David Jentsch: brief biography, scientific publications and honors

Biography and honors

Current Research Focus

Research Publications


Can Love Be Immoral?


Addiction: a choice or a trap?